
Thing I Learned Today

I don't want to forget these:

+ I am Becoming My Mom - I remember the surprising day when my very intelligent and crafty Mom started to ask me for suggestions and advice. It didn't phase me the first few times but when it got to be a regular event, I started to notice that maybe my Mom was getting older. I have reached that point in my life recently as I've begun to lean more heavily on my two daughters for input and direction. I've also learned that I like it!!

+ I Like People - I'm one of those people persons, the type that talks to waiters, sales clerks and people standing in line with me. It also means I seem to develop relationships with some of them and that some remember me. Today my Postal Gal actually brought me a jar candle as a Christmas gift. She said the scent reminded her of me and my office. Aren't people the greatest!!

+ My Kids Like Me - This morning I had a short IM chat with one of my daughters before I left for work and it seemed to start both our days in a good direction. Then I came to work and get to talk to my other daughter thru IM through-out the day. I have a blessed life.

+ Outside Temperature Matters - When you spend your days at a Heating and Cooling Co. and the temperature drops, you will spend a whole lot more time on the phone and far less time on-line.

+ Into Every Life some Gas must Flow - Even if your all time favorite meal is Liver and Onions, if you eat too big a portion - it can cause gas. This is true despite the fact that you could be voted the least likely person in the world to ever 'pass wind'.

+ Grumpy People Suck - No matter how sweet and nice you are, always remember that grumpy people are grumpy. And that just plan sucks!

+ Spell Checkers don't Proof Read - You can't count on a spell checker to proof read everything, like if you've added the correct phrase, if you've used a plural form or if your writing makes sense. Also, sometimes the proofing takes longer than the writing of a post and accept the fact that you will still find errors later.


Anonymous said...


Well, I learned something today, too. You like me..You really like me! ;-)


Pokey Puppy said...

aww. and I didnt even know you ahd a blog!!