
Why I love being a Grannie!

Transcript of and IM Between Daughter #2 and I about GS (grandson):

#2:oh... btw... i had a politics discussion with my 4 1/2 year old this am ... was quite amusing. The boys (in the car pool) were asking about the presidents.. or a couple of them anyway.. and we were talking about George Washington.
Then they got dropped off at their school.

GS: "Can you tell me about that guy"
#2: Who?
GS: "The pwessnt guy"
#2: I giggled and said the president?
GS: Yes!
#2: George Washington
GS: he asked who the guy was now, since I said he wasn't the present now.
#2: President.. and George Bush
GS: Where does the bushy goge guy live?
#2: The white house which is a very, very big house.
GS: then asked what he did?
#2: Makes all the big decisions for our whole entire country.
GS: WOW! Can he come to our house to see me?
#2: No babe.. because he is in charge of so much they are afraid that people might hurt him. So everywhere he goes, he has to be with police officers.. lots of them
GS: (dead serious) MOMMY!! I would NEVER hurt peoples!!!
#2: I know .. but they don't know that.
GS: Well mommy I don't hurt people........
little pause....
GS: So can I go play at his house with him then?

Daughter said: It was so damn cute though, explaining the first, and current presidents to my almost 5 yr old. Not can i watch Rolie Pollie Ollie...?
but who's the president and can i meet him?

See, Grandkids are the best way to grow people!!